Turquoise Summer Vibes - Woolacombe
This picture was taken at the start of the summer in 2024. A beautiful Saturday morning when the sun was shining and the beach was not too busy.
Using my new 'flying camera' out from between Barricane and Combesgate, I came to this point to get the view that included the whole Woolacombe scene, from the Woolacombe Bay Hotel and the end of the beach huts on the right all the way over to Combesgate, Grunta and the start of Morte Point on the left. It shows the beautiful turquoise ocean with the sunlit white waves crashing onto the shore and it shows the whole of the golden beach at low tide.
My camera has a 3x Optical zoom lens which was perfect for this image as having a standard 1x would have shown too much beach and sea. The fine level of detail is also amazing with this lens as you can make out many of the properties in the background and also the few people enjoying the beach and others in he sea with their colourful surfboards.
The larger this picture goes the better it looks and it you can't see it large it looks great through a magnifying glass!
Below is also a mock-up showing this photo hanging on a wall. This picture is available in small format in my shop page or larger formats from Whitewall with sizes and frames to suit any location and budget.